I am a computer scientist, engineer, inventor, and technology entrepreneur working on theory and applications both in academia and industry. My interests span several fields that can be broadly classified as computer vision and graphics, computational geometry, machine learning, and signal processing, with geometric data analysis being a frequent motif. At the Technion, I head the Center for Intelligent Systems and the VISTA Lab in the Department of Computer Science. I am also a visiting professor at the Austrian Institute of Science and Technology. In the industry, I participated in various capacities in startup companies, some of which successful and some other less so.
Since the acquisition of my startup Invision, I have been a Principal Engineer in the Perceptual Computing Group at Intel Corporation developing Intel’s 3D sensing technology, RealSense. I have been a co-founder and the Chief Scientist of the Israeli startup VideoCites offering internet-scale video search services to businesses and the UK fintech startup Sibylla.
I love doing research, building and disassembling things, teaching and sharing ideas with other people. In my spare time I enjoy reading, running, listening to and playing music, exploring the world, taking pictures, sailing my yacht, collecting Michelin stars and watching the real ones. When I am not traveling, my geolocation is peaked tri-modally in Haifa, Vienna, and Sardinia.
I invite excellent graduate students to visit my lab at the Technion and take part of the cool stuff we are doing there.